Training from KAM to SAM: how to become strategic for your client

Whatever the reasons for the existence of your company’s key accounts program, salespeople will have to “up their game” in the way they approach customers to become one of the most critical elements of that customer’s performance. This is called “strategic selling” because its objective is to move your company from being a supplier to being a strategic supplier, which changes everything from the point of view of sales growth, margins and customer loyalty. At the same time, business actors will have to change their attitude to move from the role of salesperson to that of consultant. This implies changes in postures, attitudes and practices.

Our KAM to SAM program will help you through this change by giving you all the keys to go from being a very good Account Manager to a Strategic Account Manager.

We provide you with a set of solutions articulated around a coherent and proven program to train you in strategic selling.

  • Proven methods: Halifax is one of Europe’s top 5 sales training companies
  • Quality content: Halifax regularly publishes best-sellers on Key Account Management
  • Teaching sequences that create change to adopt new business practices
  • A very operational final “account plan” presentation.

The objectives of a SAM Training

  • Learn how to define a profitable customer strategy
  • Align your company with your results ambition to obtain the necessary resources
  • Lead a distributed and remote account team in “functional management” mode
  • Know how to improve customer satisfaction
  • Get full support and networking from your company’s senior management
  • Present to the C-Level internally and at the client’s site through effective pitches.

The advantages of the training

  • This training is based on real-life experience and is led by a “practitioner” familiar with the design and management of “Major Accounts” programs in the largest French and international companies.
  • It also pursues the implicit objective of arming participants to dare to position themselves as challengers, partners of their customers and stakeholders in their own profitability.
  • The pedagogy of this training is based on real-life examples, concrete cases and solutions implemented in “real life”.
  • At the end of the training, the cases treated will be able to be used in front of clients immediately and in a fully operational way. The account plan, i.e. the strategies and action plans will be ready to be deployed, the practices ready to be implemented. 

Why take this training?

  • You are a salesperson or Key Account Manager and you want to raise your level of interaction with the customer to take a step forward in the strategic approach to sales and manage strategic accounts.
  • You come from a sales related field (Marketing, Management, Business Development) and you want to be equipped to take on a strategic account management role and master the elements of the account plan.
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Halifax Consulting supports Nexans Chili

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