What is AI-LIFAX?

AI LIFAX is a new integration of AI into our learning platform, a super assistant while you learn and improve your sales performance.

  • You want to prepare an appointment: give it the context, the type of customer, its activity, the type of contact you’ve met… and ask it to advise you on the best way to approach the customer!
  • You’d like to practice a sequence of the sales act: improve your pitch, ask the right questions, respond to objections, defend your price… do your training with AI, who will respond to you as if in a customer dialogue, and give you feedback at the end.
  • And of course, if you’d like to remember any good sales and negotiation practices or methods, just ask!

The benefits

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Available 24/7

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Precise and reliable

Response based on Halifax Consulting documentation and reference – the DEAL Method® and the LEAD Method®

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In all languages

Instantly translated into your preferred language

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Personalized coaching

Assistant but also coach, with several challenges to help you progress.

Success story

Halifax Consulting supports Airbus

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